Tuesday, May 10, 2005

You Can Still Help

What's that? Tropical islands, boats and 16-hour straight plane rides aren't your thing? There is still a huge way for you to help. Flash mobs work best when the maximum number of people can be exposed to the opp0rtunity. This is where you can help! Please send the following message in an email to as many people as you can. You never know who may be attracted to an event like this. It may even be your mom and dad! So copy and paste this in an email and help others learn about the needs on Phi Phi!

A special note from FLASH MOB MISSIONS about a special opportunity.

Who: Anyone from anywhere
What: Tsunami relief work
When: October 15th - 23rd
Where: Koh Phi Phi Don, Thailand
How: This site will give you everything you need! http://flashmobmissions.blogspot.com/

What is a flash mob? A flash mob is a large group of people who gather in a usually predetermined location, perform some brief action, and then quickly disperse. Typically someone will get an idea for a flash mob, let's use having a pillow fight in a public area as an example (this actually happened with about 300 people one day in Trafalgar Square London. It lasted twenty minutes.) A person will get an idea, set the date, the time, the length of the mob gathering and the place. They will then email or text message this information to a large group of people, who would pass it on to friends, who then pass it on to friends and so on and so on. After receiving the electronic message those wishing to participate in the flash mob would make their own arrangements for travel to the designated place and participate in the mob.

I recently traveled to the Tsunami torn island of Koh Phi Phi, in southern Thailand. I was amazed at the amount of need that still remains on this island. Part of this is due to the fact that currently the Thai government is not helping with the rebuilding efforts on Phi Phi. These wonderful people not only need others to come physically rebuild their homes, but they also need their world family to come spend money to help restart their economy.

Everything you would ever need to join this flash mob can be found at:


These people need our help. During this single week, one or two of us could make a difference, 30 to 40 of us could make an impact or 150 to 200 of us could change the world. Join a gathering of like minded folks in something that may seem so complicated and crazy, but is truly simple and important!

If traveling to Thailand is not on your heart, there are other ways to help. Add the website above to your blog if you have one or please share this email with friends and family, by using the copy & paste function to send it in a new email. Please do not use forward. The more people this gets shared with the more help those on Koh Phi Phi will receive!


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